
小山 宏史

小山 宏史 | Hiroshi Koyama

基礎生物学研究所初期発生研究部門 助教
Assistant Professor, Division of Embryology, National Institute for Basic Biology





  1. *Koyama H, Okumura H, Ito AM, Nakamura K, Otani T, Kato K, Fujimori T.
    Effective mechanical potential of cell–cell interaction explains three-dimensional morphologies during early embryogenesis.
    PLoS Computational Biology 19: e1011306, 2023.
  2. *Koyama H, Kishi K, Mikoshiba S, Fujimori T.
    An ImageJ-based tool for three-dimensional registration between different types of microscopic images.
    Development, Growth & Differentiation 65: 65-74, 2022.
  3. *Koyama H, Suzuki M, Yasue N, Sasaki H, Ueno N, Fujimori T.
    Differential Cellular Stiffness Contributes to Tissue Elongation on an Expanding Surface
    Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology 10: 864135, 2022.
  4. *Koyama H, Fujimori T.
    Isotropic expansion of external environment induces tissue elongation and collective cell alignment.
    Journal of Theoretical Biology 496: 110248, 2020.
  5. *Koyama H, Shi D, *Fujimori T.
    Biophysics in oviduct: Planar cell polarity, cilia, epithelial fold and tube morphogenesis, egg dynamics
    Biophysics and Physicobiology 16: 89-107, 2019.
  6. *Koyama H, Shi D, Suzuki M, Ueno N, Uemura T, *Fujimori T.
    Mechanical regulation of three-dimensional epithelial fold pattern formation in the mouse oviduct.
    Biophysical Journal 111: 650-665, 2016.