
森 雅樹

森 雅樹 | Masaki Mori

国立成育医療研究センター小児生理学研究部 部長
Head, Department of Pediatric Physiology, National Center for Child Health and Development




  1. Hibino E#, Ichiyama Y#, Tsukamura A#, Senju Y, Morimune T, Ohji M, Maruo Y, Nishimura M, *Mori M (#equal contribution).
    Bex1 is essential for ciliogenesis and harbors the biomolecular condensate-forming capacity.
    BMC Biology 20: 42, 2022.
  2. Morimune T, Tano A, Tanaka Y, Yukiue H, Yamamoto T, Tooyama I, Maruo Y, Nishimura M, *Mori M.
    Gm14230 controls Tbc1d24 cytoophidia and neuronal cellular juvenescence.
    PLoS One 16: e0248517, 2021.
  3. Jam FA#, Morimune T#, Tsukamura T#, Tano A, Tanaka Y, Mori Y, Yamamoto T, Nishimura M, Tooyama I,*Mori M (#equal contribution).
    Neuroepithelial cell competition triggers loss of cellular juvenescence.
    Scientific Reports 10: 18044, 2020.
  4. Kadota Y#, Jam FA#, Yukiue H#, Terakado I, Morimune T, Tano A, Tanaka Y, Akahane S, Fukumura M, Tooyama I, *Mori M (#equal contribution).
    Srsf7 establishes the juvenile transcriptome through age-dependent alternative splicing in mice.
    iScience 23: 100929., 2020.
  5. Tano A#, Kadota Y#, Morimune T#, Jam FA, Yukiue H, Bellier JP, Sokoda T, Maruo Y, Tooyama I, *Mori M (#equal contribution).
    Juvenility-associated lncRNA Gm14230 maintains cellular juvenescence.
    Journal of Cell Science 132: jcs227801, 2019.
  6. Jam FA#, Kadota Y#, Mendsaikhan A#, Tooyama I, *Mori M (#equal contribution).
    Identification of juvenility-associated genes in the mouse hepatocytes and cardiomyocytes.
    Scientific Reports 8: 3132, 2018.
  7. Mori M, Triboulet R, Mohseni M, Schlegelmilch K, Shrestha K, Camargo FD, *Gregory RI.
    Hippo signaling regulates Microprocessor and links cell density-dependent miRNA biogenesis to cancer.
    Cell 156: 893-906, 2014.